The Chairman of Sedgemoor District Council, Councillor Mrs Gill Slocombe planted a field maple tree in memory of Councillor Roger Lavers in the new extension to Woolavington Cemetery on 1st March 2012. Roger was Chairman of Woolavington Parish Council and also the District Council Ward Member at the time he sadly passed away on 10th July 2010. He was also connected with many village organisations and had previously represented Bridgwater Wards on both the District and County Councils.
The Parish Council were very pleased to welcome Christine Lavers back to the village on 24th August 2012 to officially unveil a memorial plaque under the tree with Roger's daughter Karen. Scroll down to view photographs of the unveiling ceremony and the plaque.

Councillor Mrs Gill Slocombe, Chairman of Sedgemoor District Council planting Memorial Tree

Karen Lavers helping to plant the field maple in memory of her father.

Representatives of Sedgemoor District Council and Woolavington Parish Council observing the planting of the memorial tree.

Christine Lavers unveiling the memorial plaque on 24th August.

Christine and Karen after the unveiling.

A close up of the plaque