Agratas wish to notify people via their Whatsapp channel that test piling work will be starting at their site on Tuesday 26 March. There will also be posters put up at the site about the work.
The WhatsApp post includes their contact details should people wish to get in touch.
For those unable to access WhatsApp the latest update is set out below
"As you know, Somerset will soon be home to Agratas’ state-of-the-art battery cell manufacturing facility. Development of the facility is getting underway, bringing with it groundbreaking opportunities for positive change for the regional economy.
To supply the facility with an initial power connection, Agratas is working with utilities service provider JSM Group to build a new 33kv underground power supply from Bridgwater Substation.
Setting up the power supply will involve temporary disruption to some roads as new cables need to be installed to and from the substation - predominantly along routes in the Bridgwater area. We are contacting you to outline where the work will take place and what we’re doing to minimise disruption.
We are working closely with the Somerset Council Street Works team to ensure temporary measures are in place to manage traffic along all the impacted routes, and alternative routes will be indicated via diversion signs.
JSM have also directly contacted residents in the immediate vicinity of the works via letter and have engaged with local businesses. We are grateful for their understanding and patience.
Some disruption is unavoidable and residents may need to plan ahead and leave extra time for journeys, for example when travelling for hospital appointments.
The roads which will be impacted are:
Westonzoyland Road will be closed at night (from 7pm to 7am) from 5th August to 4th September 2024. Between 7am and 7pm during these dates there will be a two-way temporary traffic light system with access remaining both ways.
Bower Lane will have one-way systems and multi-way traffic lights, in a number of separate phases, from 5th August to 1st September 2024. Work will start on Monday under traffic lights, with a one-way system later being introduced between Bath Road and the hospital roundabout. Traffic will only be able to access the hospital from the A39 direction and will need to follow a signed diversion via Whitfield Road when exiting. Bower Lane is then scheduled to be closed in phases from early September to late December. Access will be maintained for all businesses and home at all times.
More roadworks will be necessary in the autumn and we will be sharing information about these when details are finalised. These works are essential for the timely delivery of the new facility and we will work with Somerset Council and others to minimise the impacts as far as possible.
More information is available on JSM’s website: